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Dr. Mark Benecke - Blutspuren

04.10.2025 | 19:30 Hours
Chemnitz | Stadthalle Chemnitz

The forensic biologist analyses insects found on corpses to stop criminals

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Information about the event

Blood is often found at crime scenes, but is sometimes taken for granted as a trace with no further value. Criminal biologist Dr. Mark Benecke shows that there is more to blood than just genetic material... Dr. Mark Benecke is a criminal biologist, the master of maggots. His area of responsibility: blood spatter, semen stains, but above all flies and maggots. Through his analysis of various insects found on corpses, countless criminals around the world have been put to a stop. Now Mark Benecke is going on tour in Germany with an infotainment evening. However, the viewer's stomach may turn when looking at some of the photos. Because the pictures shown are not the usual "where is the mistake here?" pictures, but rather shots of severely disfigured corpses. Only detailed close-ups can answer the really interesting questions: Why does the bloated man's corpse have such long fingernails? And what type of maggot is crawling out of the corner of his mouth? - Questions that Mark Benecke can't stop thinking about, because the Cologne resident is available to police authorities from all over the world around the clock. Dr. Mark Benecke was trained by the FBI and operates internationally. Benecke has set up special laboratories in Colombia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Numerous radio and TV appearances testify to the great public interest in his work.

Stadthalle Chemnitz

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