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Matthias Reim - Live 2024

10.08.2024 | 19:30 Hours
Chemnitz | Wasserschloß Klaffenbach
Cult star & music legend Matthias Reim – 30 years of success and not a bit quiet!

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Thunderous applause, never-ending calls for an encore. Faces of thousands of celebrating people glowing with happiness – goosebumps and pure emotions. This is how the concerts of cult star and music legend Matthias Reim still end today. For more than three decades he has been one of Germany's most successful and popular artists, has written music history with his countless hits, played a key role in shaping the rock/pop hit genre and even helped it achieve a completely new level of popularity. With his endearing and charismatic charisma, the audience favorite has irrevocably etched himself into the hearts of his loyal fans - it is the combination of exceptional talent and extraordinary personality that still makes him one of the absolute elite of German musicians today - after more than 30 years of incredible success leaves.

He celebrated his musical breakthrough in 1990 with “Damn I Love You”. The most successful single release of the 90s remained at the top of the charts for 16 weeks. His debut album sold around two and a half million copies worldwide - Matthias Reim became a superstar overnight. This is followed by sold-out concerts, cover stories, piles of fan mail, coveted music awards, gold and platinum awards. The subsequent hits “Nur dreamt of you”, “Hey, I was so looking forward to you” and “Ganz alles” also bear Reim's characteristic signature - a mix of cool, rocky sounds and clever, sensitive, German hit lyrics.

One thing becomes clear very quickly - it is the stage where, despite his stage fright, he feels most comfortable and closest to his fans. After last year's 30th stage anniversary had to be canceled due to Corona, Matthias Reim wants to celebrate twice as big this year. The singer/songwriter, who was born in Hesse and has a keen sense for great catchy tunes, made the most of the lockdown period and not only wrote brand new songs, but also examined the entire repertoire of his unique music career, including his typical rhyme -Sound revised and catapulted to the next level. The result is a completely new, musically fascinating program. Knowing full well what has been created in his new home studios in the last few months behind closed doors, Matthias Reim himself can hardly wait to finally be able to be on stage again: “I'm absolutely ready. I would like to finally see the audience again. Experience the emotionality again – see the enthusiasm in your eyes and also the tears. If you haven’t had that for a year and a half, then you’re like some junky in withdrawal.”

His fans know it all too well – Matthias Reim concerts are special. You can literally feel it - his desire for life, for music, for partying - with every song, in every single moment. This was also the case on September 3rd in Gelsenkirchen at his first open air concert after the forced break of one and a half years, where, in addition to his hits, he also performed “4:30 a.m.” for the very first time - the current single and the first harbinger of his new album, which will follow in 2022 received thunderous applause. The secret recipe for Reim's success? He knows what people feel and manages to put these feelings into words and create melodies that touch people. He shows himself as he is – sometimes strong, sometimes vulnerable, but always authentic. And that's what his fans love about him to this day.

His considerable success beyond national borders not only brings Matthias Reim long-standing friendships with fellow musicians, but also one or two extraordinary collaborations. He recently appeared together with world star David Hasselhoff in the Florian Silbereisen show “Schlagerchallenge.2021” and caused the surprise of the evening with their joint duet of “Damn I Love You”.

Wasserschloß Klaffenbach

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