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MAX HERRE UND JOY DENALANE - Alles Liebe Tour 2024

02.12.2024 | 20:00 Hours
Leipzig | Haus Auensee
You always wanted this, and now it's come true. All the best!

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We can agree on this straight away: Love is both the greatest mystery and the most beautiful human feeling of all. We all know the great breakup albums of pop, like "Here, my Dear" by Marvin Gaye or "Blood on the Tracks" by Bob Dylan. We know lovesickness albums like "Tapestry" by Carole King, conceptual albums about love like "Channel Orange" by Frank Ocean and of course we know "Everything is Love" by Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

One thing is clear: Nothing has been sung about as often as love in all its facets. But never before has a story been told like the one Joy Denalane and Max Herre tell in the songs of “Alles Liebe”. Because no one else has experienced this story.

Max Herre and Joy Denalane are two of the most important and successful German musicians of the past 25 years. Denalane is the great overwhelming soul singer, with groundbreaking, autofictional albums such as "Mamani", "Let Yourself Be Loved" and most recently "Willpower" she has set standards. Max Herre, on the other hand, has established a completely new narrative form and musicality in German hip hop and rap with his band Freundeskreis, their debut "Quadratur des Kreises" or with his solo albums such as "Hallo Welt" and "ATHEN". Together they have been awarded numerous gold and platinum albums, won awards and played grandiose tours.

This is the public side of the Denalane/Herre couple. But their private side was also public from the start: their first hit together, "Mit Dir", was so special because you could instinctively feel how fundamental the spark was between these two people back then. You can't translate being in love into music more intensely and emotionally than in this song. Now, 25 years later, they do it for an entire album. Sometimes with the maturity and serenity of years, then again in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions, reflected, hurt, angry, jealous, lonely, but mostly: happy.

With the first chords of the first single "Alles Liebe" you are right back in the heart of this music and this story: A jubilant piano sentence opens a weightlessly gliding gospel, a longing melody by Joy Denalane, and finally the thoughtful flow by Max Herre. In this song it seems to be 1999 and 2024 at the same time, yesterday, the day before yesterday, today, the day after tomorrow. "Our story, your perspective, what I have for you but don't forbid myself," raps Max, "the deepest bond and the highest principle, you know that there is nothing greater." - "The first step into the unknown and hopefully the last thing we have left," sings Joy in a powerful chorus.

"Over the years we had thought about making an album together, but more in a playful way," says Joy about "Alles Liebe". "Because we have a permanent artistic connection with each other anyway and work together on all our albums - in one way or another - our need for a joint album was not so strong until now." It was only when the two grown-up sons moved out of home that things changed: "We asked ourselves: 'Are we going on a big trip around the world or are we going into the studio?'" recalls Max Herre.

Denalane and Herre left the beaten track, worked with a variety of producers and musicians and rediscovered themselves as a couple and as artists. "After the first three days we already had eight sketches," says Max. "It was magical from the start and a lot of fun."

“With these new impressions and people, we were able to find ourselves as a couple in an incredibly creative dynamic, and it worked immediately,” adds Joy.

On their joint debut, Denalane and Herre manage to tell old stories for today from the new: that is also what “Alles Liebe” is about. Because, as Max Herre says: “There are a thousand forms of love. Ours is one of them – and the album is now our view of it.” With the announcement of “Alles Liebe” we are entering a special “Max Herre and Joy Denalane year”: Joy can be seen on “Sing meinen Song”, their back catalogue is being released on vinyl. “Mit Dir” and the album “Esperanto” are turning 25, the duet “1ste Liebe” from the solo debut album “Max Herre” is turning 20. Both singles and the albums are also being re-released on vinyl. There will be lots of new music, pictures, films – and then in the autumn Max Herre and Joy Denalane will embark on a big “Alles Liebe” tour.

+++ Joy Denalane and Max Herre will release their first album together on November 1st, 2024 +++

+++ “Alles Liebe” tells the story of a unique love, a life together, a musical partnership. 25 years after it all began with the song “Mit Dir”. +++

+++ On April 26, 2024, the title song “Alles Liebe” will be released as the first single from the new album. +++

Haus Auensee

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