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01.06.2025 | 20:00 Hours
Chemnitz | Stadthalle Chemnitz
TAHNEE goes on a big "BLÜTEZEIT" tour!

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Information about the event

The trademarks of comedienne, actress and presenter Tahnee include her bright red curls, her versatility and her sense of humor. She is open about her homosexuality and doesn't mince her words when she makes fun of homophobes, moralists, sexists and other unpleasant people. Tahnee is not one for wagging her finger. Instead, she silences her opponents with her eloquence and her delicious accent and voice imitations - and makes the audience roar.


Tahnee – born for the big stage

Tahnee Schaffarczyk was born on April 4, 1992 in Heinsberg. Before she made audiences laugh as a stand-up comedian, first in small clubs and then in front of TV screens, she completed her high school diploma in her hometown. She is trained in modern dance, classical ballet and jazz dance. Even during her school days, the multi-talented artist performed in the Junges Musical Heinsberg and tried out various roles.


Tahnee has felt the urge to be on stage since she was a child. After graduating from high school, she initially planned a career as a musical actress, but was not accepted into any ensemble. However, her talent for making people laugh opened other doors for her: stand-up comedy ultimately gave the young entertainer the opportunity to combine all her talents.


TV appearances make Tahnee famous

At the age of 19, Tahnee applied for the casting of the "RTL Comedy Grand Prix", where she impressed the show organizers with her talent. Making her first television appearance on such a big stage is a testament to the young comedian's self-confidence. The artist's curly red hair and her black clothing have been a trademark from the very beginning.


Tahnee is also known for speaking openly about her sexual orientation as a lesbian woman. The stand-up comedian, who naturally uses humorous anecdotes from her everyday life to address the topic, is helping to combat prejudices against the LGBTQ community. It is extremely important to her to be authentic. Her success proves her right: her brand of humor has earned her a rapidly growing fan base.


Tahnee is appearing more and more frequently on television shows. She openly delivers her sometimes crude jokes on shows hosted by other successful comedy stars such as Stefan Raab and Kaya Yanar. In addition to the private broadcasters, public television is also discovering the modern, female voice of the comedy scene. She is also a welcome guest on “Die Anstalt” and “Nuhr im Ersten”.


Live shows and multimedia presence

As a comedian, Tahnee appears in numerous TV formats and has also been working as a speaker since 2017. She also hosted the popular show “NightWash” for two years, in which other young comedians appear. In her performances, the talented artist uses all the acting and singing skills she learned during her classical training. She repeatedly slips into different roles and convinces with skillful imitations of dialects and vocal tones.


Since 2016, fans have also been seeing Tahnee on tour. Due to the great success of her first solo show, "#geschicktzerfickt", the funny artist performed for three years. The live show "Vulvarine" followed in 2019. Her popularity increased even further with her appearance on "LOL: Last One Laughing", the comedy format of a major streaming service.


Anyone who buys tickets for Tahnee can indulge in the collective laughter in the audience. The artist dares to provoke controversy and addresses every topic uninhibitedly. She also makes fun of herself while she dispels social clichés and broadens the audience's perspective. From romance to thoughtful moments to below-the-belt jokes, Tahnee has it all!

Stadthalle Chemnitz

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