The good news is still there: a member of the Last Generation recently had a child. In Berlin there is a Senate resolution according to which new streets can only be named after women. Dead ends included. A new study by the Ministry of Economic Affairs shows that solar parks can also provide enough electricity at night if the systems are operated under floodlights. Technically this would already be possible today. But unfortunately the big corporations prevent this.
The scientific cabaret artist and physicist Vince Ebert takes stock: Have we become more rational, more level-headed or even smarter in recent years? Spoiler alert: No, we're not. Only 18 % of the population wear a bicycle helmet, but 91 % use a protective cover for their cell phone.
When reality becomes more and more satire, when government declarations are practically indistinguishable from Postillon articles - how can a satirist possibly top that?
But Vince Ebert doesn't give up. To the outside world he may appear to be an old white man. But that is just a social construct. In “Vince of Change” he identifies himself as a 32-year-old tanned surf instructor from California and thus appeals to completely new target groups. Because his mission affects us all: In an era that increasingly threatens to sink into feelings, sensitivities and irrationalities, he defiantly holds up the flag of reason. And besides, he needs the money.
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